Our Approach to Climate Justice and Energy Equity

Our mission is to fight climate injustice by directing the value in the global carbon markets to fight energy poverty and increase the resiliency and income of those most at risk from climate change. 

Explore our primary areas of focus below:

  • Combating Energy Poverty for 3.6 Billion People Through Innovative Climate Finance Projects.

    Designed and created through rigorous field research, testing and user feedback, we identify technology and deliver projects that ensure sustained usage, meaningful impact and support the energy transition. Our teams are based in the communities where our projects operate, allowing us to ensure that our interventions have the desired impact.

    We believe that climate finance has a unique opportunity to directly elevate households living in energy poverty. We exist to fill the gap that so often gets overlooked, fighting energy poverty and climate change with projects and technology that benefit those most vulnerable to climate risks.

  • Our projects are thoughtfully designed to deliver high quality carbon credits.

    At UpEnergy, we have a dedicated team of over 20 carbon professionals that work alongside independent third parties to develop and monitor projects that maintain a high level of project integrity. This involves using only verified data, being conservative where uncertainty remains and removing biases from all surveys and tests we and our partners carry out.

    Please reach out to us to receive more detailed documents on our approach throughout our various projects.

  • 3.6 billion people - almost half the world's population - live in energy poverty.

    In Africa and Asia alone, the majority of energy-poor households either don't have access to electricity or lack access to clean, efficient technology.

    The current rate of climate investment is failing to solve the problem. While investment, and the purchase of carbon credits heads into developed country projects, annual clean energy investment in emerging and developing economies has been neglected despite the fact that such investment needs to increase by more than seven times to put the world on track to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 (IEA, 2021).

    At UpEnergy, we believe that climate finance has a unique opportunity to directly elevate households that live in energy poverty. Carbon financing plays a pivotal role in this effort, providing vital resources needed to overcome financial hurdles in research, development, manufacturing, distribution, and adoption.

    Channeling Climate Finance Where It's Needed Most:

    • Voluntary Emission Reductions (VERs): UpEnergy works with the voluntary carbon market to finance the deployment of clean technologies in energy-poor communities and develop carbon removal projects. Through VERs, we direct funding into key projects that not only reduce or remove emissions but significantly enhance quality of life, demonstrating the direct impact of voluntary carbon offsetting on mitigating energy poverty.

    • Article 6: After a long history in the last decade of successful project development under the CDM, UpEnergy is at the forefront of developing projects under Article’s 6.2 and 6.4 of the Paris Agreement. Utilizing Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. This involves negotiating Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs), enabling countries to meet their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) through investments in our projects. This approach not only aids in global emission reductions but also channels climate finance towards developing energy infrastructure in critical areas.

  • At UpEnergy, we understand the complexities of navigating the carbon landscape.

    Our team has over 40 years of experience developing high quality, forward looking carbon projects. We understand the complexities involved in this industry and stand ready to help your organization along its journey of incorporating carbon credits.

    Our services include:

    • Technical Carbon Advisory

    • Developing Carbon Assets

    • Managing the monitoring, verification and issuance processes

    If you’d like to discuss more to see if UpEnergy can help you, please connect with us!

Let’s Build Something Together

If you'd like to learn more or ask any questions, then do reach out to Polly, our dedicated Climate Finance Manager:

UpEnergy is a social enterprise headquartered in Kampala, Uganda.