Clean Drinking

Safe water technology is among the most effective interventions for addressing health and environmental challenges in vulnerable communities. By providing clean drinking water, they tackle the root causes of waterborne diseases and the broader social costs associated with water scarcity, supporting community health and well-being.

Project Technology:

Household & School Safe Drinking Water

Project Standards:

Project Locations:

Uganda, Malawi, Zambia

Projects Underway:


Project Overview:

Access to safe drinking water is essential for human health and well-being, particularly in the Global South, where many households, schools, and other institutions lack reliable access to clean and safe drinking water. Every year, waterborne diseases cause over 300 million cases of illness and approximately 485,000 deaths in sub-Saharan Africa alone, highlighting the urgent need for interventions to improve access to safe drinking water in the region.

Why Access to Safe Drinking Water is Essential in Emerging Markets:

Lack of Drinking Water:

In Sub-Saharan Africa 771 million people lack even basic drinking water services. waterborne diseases cause over 300 million cases of illness and approximately 485,000 deaths in sub-Saharan Africa alone.

Unsafe Drinking Water:

Unsafe drinking water contributes to millions of cases of waterborne diseases and premature deaths annually.

Time Spent on Water Collection:

Vulnerable women and children are disproportionately affected by water scarcity who spend significant time and effort collecting water from distant and unreliable sources.

Cost of Boiling Water:

Boiling water becomes challenging where fuel is expensive and scarce, leading to breathing problems from regular fuel burning and greater emissions as well burning biomass.

Financial Constraits:

In UpEnergy markets, financial constraints make modern water purification solutions and reliable access to clean water elusive or unreliable to make a real difference to lives.

In sub-Saharan Africa, one roundtrip to collect water is 33 minutes on average in rural areas and 25 minutes in urban areas.

The Technology Behind the Solution

For Households:

Removes 99.99% of Harmful Bacteria

Protects families from wide-spread water borne diseases e.g. cholera, typhoid, dysentery, diarrhea etc.

Replaceable Ceramic Filter

Ceramic filter will last 5,000 litres or up to 2 years for a typical household and are simple to replace.

No Electricity Required

No need to start fires in order to boil water or have mains power, simply add unclean water to the top container.

Family Size Capacity

14L total capacity and can be used with multiple water sources e.g. lake, stream, borehole and main

Safe Storage

Allows safe storage of clean drinking water in households preventing recontamination.

Easy to Use

Easy to assemble and use by all family members.


of bacteria.

No Electricity

to operate the device.

2 Year Filter Life

Easy to use assemble and

use by all family members.

For Schools:

  • Bespoke testing of water supply to prioritise schools in immediate danger of using contaminated water supplies.

  • A chlorine-based treatment system is installed and then fully maintained over its lifetime.

  • The system removes 99.99% of bacteria and viruses and provides thousands of students and teachers per school with clean drinking water.

  • Schools benefit from clean drinking which helps to reduces absenteeism, improve student performance and remove the need to boil water using biomass based fuel.

  • Works with any water source including boreholes, pumps, wells or untreated rainwater.

“ I have noticed that students and teachers are able to drink water without getting sick like they used to in the past. Parents are happy because their students are not getting sick from stomach aches!”

Tembo, Deputy headteacher from
Kamwala Primary School.

Impact on Sustainable Development Goals

Access to safe drinking water eliminates the need to boil water. This reduces fuel consumption, saving families money and contributing to poverty alleviation

Convenient access to safe, clean drinking water in household environment.

Providing safe drinking water significantly benefits women and girls, who often shoulder the burden of water gathering. This not only saves time and money but also improves health by eliminating the need to boil water and reducing exposure to smoke.

Ensures availability and sustainable management of clean water for households and schools.

Through the distribution and installation of safe water both direct and indirect employment is created.

Reduction in the use of non-renewable biomass per household due to removing the need to boil.

By removing the need for boiling water using biomass fuel, water filters have a direct impact on the wellbeing of life on land.

Case Study:

Transforming Lives with Safe Drinking Water in Uganda

  • Ahmed: Entrepreneur and Farmer

  • Location: Uganda

Ahmed's Access to Clean Water:

In Uganda, Ahmed used to spend hours walking to a nearby river to collect water for his family. The water, often unsafe for consumption, led to frequent illnesses and unexpected medical expenses, prompting him to seek a better solution.

The introduction of a water filter in his household marked a significant turning point. Since using the filter, Ahmed has not suffered from typhoid, a common waterborne illness in his community. He appreciates the filter for its ease of use, speed, and the peace of mind it brings, knowing his family now has access to safe and healthy water.

The time once spent on water collection has been reallocated to productive work in his field and small business, greatly enhancing his family's quality of life. Impressed with the filter's impact, Ahmed has recommended it to friends, especially those who have struggled with typhoid or stomach issues.

“I have not suffered from typhoid for the past 3 years, since I started using the safe water filter, when before I used to suffer at least twice a year. I do not regret acquiring this filter”.

Ahmed, sharing his experience at one of our end-user focus group sessions in Kampala, Uganda.

See Our Clean Drinking Water Projects in Action!

Let’s Build Something Together

If you'd like to learn more or ask any questions, then do reach out to Polly, our dedicated Climate Finance Manager:

UpEnergy is a social enterprise headquartered in Kampala, Uganda.